Opening Sequence

Preliminary Task

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Evaluation - Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribution your media product and why?
Our production company is called Moonlight Studios which makes horror/thriller movies for a niche market of mostly older teenagers and young adults. They deal with lower budget films and tend to lean towards the more indie style of filming, and a much more gritty and realistic production.

Based in London, it makes British films based in the UK and so is very familiar with what is expected of a UK film compared to that of a glossy, high budget upcoming Hollywood blockbuster. The distributor is Black Rose Productions, which works together with Moonlight Studios to deliver films to the UK youth audience.

Black Rose is a distributor with expertise in the youth market, from 15 on through university students and to those in their early thirties; they know how to appeal to the niche market and particularly when it comes to horror, thriller and action/adventure movies. 

Dogwoof is a good example, a distribution company specialised in the independent film market. They choose to distribute ethical film-makers over those with get-rich schemes, and themselves state that they 'value individuals and interactions over processes and tools'. They try to use innovation to attract their audience and have many different tricks up their sleeves for marketing to different groups of people.

It will exhibit in independent cinemas all over the UK due to its low budget production and its indie film status; it will appeal to more youth at the start of the campaign if it is more of a unique film with promise of something genuine. However, it will all depend on the success of the film and its marketing campaign whether it will be released onto mainstream multiplex cinemas or not; if it is very successful and maybe appeals to a much broader audience than intended it may be released into more cinemas, with a lot more screenings. This all depends on the response to the film.

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