Opening Sequence

Preliminary Task

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Further Ideas

After development on the webcam idea another proposal for an opening was instead of a webcam, there would be messages left on the answering machine for someone to come home to. The gist of the idea for this is on the group blog, see the links on the side for the Coursework Group Page.

The idea was to have two narratives that in the end entwine and become almost one, from the point of view of the 'victim' which is the girl and the other from the POV of the 'villain' which is the man walking down the street. As the messages go along, the panic in the voice of her friend (the one leaving the voice mails) gets worse and worse until she hears someone come into the house, and screams as they take her/kill her, we leave this ambiguous. The main girl then becomes scared, as the man is still walking to somewhere, which we at the end find out is her house. The doorbell rings or she hears something as he gets there, her face frozen, and then the title of the film will end the opening.

Inspiration for the build up comes from the opening to Scream, as Drew Barrymore gets more and more frantic on the phone, and then she hears the doorbell ring.

Seems like the strongest idea to me, and the most 'doable' idea for the opening.


One of the first ideas I had was of the webcam and two people talking through instant messenger or facebook, something like that. It didn't have to be two girls but the main girl that was being focused on would have to be a girl, innocent and vunerable looking. The other person on the other side of the conversation could be a anyone, a girl mate of hers, a boy mate of hers, her boyfriend, her brother in uni etc.

This idea was discussed in the first group meeting we had, and it was after this that I had some ideas about what would happen. The girl looks down or behind her, maybe she hears a window move, and then as she looks back she see's the persons gone and the webcam is on its side, still knocking on its side as she looks. She waits, asking where the other person is, and then maybe she see's someone in the reflection of her screen, her friend just outside the window. This startles her, along with some other noises, until at the climax of the scene the title of the film pops up.

It wouldn't be a close up, but this is the type shot we would want, of the man/woman behind the window. With lightning flashing and his/her face illuminating for a second, a frightening moment would be created.


The posts from here on will be related to my coursework. Enjoy!